Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 2, riding from Ashkelon to Kibutz Mashebei Sadeh. We covered another 72 miles today, which makes over 140 miles in 2 days! But we had lots of rest stops and ate lots of food. We skirted around Gaza, then headed East from the coastal plain into the Negev Desert. The landscape changed dramatically over the course of just a few miles. I learned later that there was a barrage of missles fired from Gaza into the area we were biking, but most of us were completely unaware.

Tomorrow we go further into the Negev, but it will be somewhat shorter in anticipation of the Sabbath (and a full day of rest!). There will also be an off-road component. Tomorrow and Saturday we spend in Mitspe Ramon, which overlooks a large crater (actually, an erosional feature). I'll try to update with more photos on Saturday night.
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meade111 said...

Thanks Peter.Really emjoying the blogs.My best to everyone. Hope to see Jerusalem again soon.
Blessings, Larry

Unknown said...

looking forward to joining you tomorrow for a great and restful shabbat!